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NON STOP Joins the Navratri Spirit: Energizing India’s Most Vibrant Festival!


India has an incredible tradition! Navratri is one of the most vibrant festivals in the country, celebrating the triumph of good over evil. This year, it kicked off on Thursday, October 3, and traditionally lasts for 9 days. Each day is dedicated to one of the 9 forms of Goddess Durga, who represents divine femininity and virtues like wisdom, compassion, and the fight for justice.

Every day of the festival comes with unique rituals like the Garba and Dandiya dances. Locals dress up in colourful traditional outfits, and women adorn themselves with mehendi – ritual henna designs on their bodies and faces.
We joined in the celebrations with NON STOP energy drinks, giving locals that extra boost to keep the party going strong.

By the way, our NON STOP and DRIVE energy drinks are already available all over India – from Mumbai, the country’s biggest city, to Gujarat, Haryana, Punjab, and we’ve just landed in Goa too!

NON STOP Joins the Navratri Spirit: Energizing India’s Most Vibrant Festival!
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Коли холод уперто просочується під шкіру, а всі бажання приспані нещодавнім локдауном, потрібні якісь екстра-заходи, щоб пожвавитися і збадьоритися...
New Products Group Keeps Expanding Even More, with Our DRIVE Energy Drink Created to Meet the Indian Market’s Demand
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